The South Wales Argus Camera Club has more than 4,400 members and we regularly feature their pictures both in paper and online.

But we thought it would be good to find out more about the people who make up the club.

If you are a member of the club and want to be part of the our Behind the Lens feature go to and fill out the easy to use Q&A.

Today we meet Victoria Smith, 37, a theatre healthcare assistant.

When and why did you take up photography?

I took up photography a few years ago. I like to capture the beauty of a moment. Making memories is important.

Why do you love taking pictures?

It captures a moment in time. You can look back at a picture and remember people and places that are no longer here.

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

I like historical places or anywhere that has significance. St Woolos cemetery has some really beautiful and historical graves.

What equipment do you use?

Canon 4000D

What is the favourite picture you have taken and why?

My favourite picture is of a headstone in Christchurch cemetery. It has a little statue of a couple on top. I like to think they'll walk off into the next life together. Currently only one person is buried in the plot.

Why did you join the SWACC?

I joined so I could share my work. I am a local children's book author as well as my full time job and mum to two boys, so life is pretty hectic. It's nice to share and see other peoples work. Photography is my escape.

What advice would you give anyone who wants to get into photography?

Just take pictures of things you like and not what you think others will like. Photography is about individuality.

If you could photograph anyone or any place who/what would it be and why?

My dream has always been to visit Norway and take pictures of the Ffiords. It nearly came true but lockdown happened. I'm hopefully I will get there 2022.