THE top ten puppy and kitten names of 2021 have been revealed.

Luna has held the top spot for both canine and feline companions for the second year running.

Milo features in the top three for both new puppies and kittens, while Bella takes second place for puppies and Loki third for kittens.

Buddy and Nala have both slipped down a spot in this year’s rankings compared with 2020, and newcomer Leo appears in 2021, the tenth most popular name for a new kitten.

The list, compiled by pet care specialist, Pets at Home, uses data from its VIP Puppy and Kitten Club helping millions of new pet owners offering advice, expertise and special offers.

Dr Karen Heskin, Head of Pets and pet care expert at Pets at Home, said: “Welcoming a new pet into the home is a really exciting time and choosing a name for your new family member can be a big decision.

"There are no set rules, but I’d try to avoid names that sound similar to other members of your household or like commands.

"Names that are short, sweet and easily recognisable will also help with getting your puppy or kitten to be responsive when called.”

For more inspiration on names for your puppy and kitten, please visit the Pets at Home Pet Name Finder.


Top 10 Puppy Names in 2021

  1. Luna - meaning ‘moon’ in Latin
  2. Bella - meaning ‘beautiful’ in Italian
  3. Milo - of German origin meaning ‘soldier’ or ‘merciful’
  4. Teddy - meaning ‘wealthy protector’, ‘brave people’, or ‘God's gift’
  5. Lola - a short form of the Spanish name Dolores, meaning ‘sorrows’
  6. Coco - a shorter version of the name, Soccoro
  7. Buddy - a ‘friend’
  8. Daisy - a flower symbolising ‘innocence’ and ‘purity’
  9. Poppy - of Latin origin meaning ‘red flower’
  10. Bailey - an ‘agent to the law’


Top 10 Kitten Names in 2021

  1. Luna - meaning ‘moon’ in Latin
  2. Milo - of German origin meaning ‘soldier’ or ‘merciful’
  3. Loki – primarily a male name of Scandinavian origin that means Trickster God
  4. Bella - meaning ‘beautiful’ in Italian
  5. Simba – of Swahili origin, meaning ‘lion’
  6. Nala – of African origin, meaning ‘successful’ 
  7. Oreo – after the popular American chocolate biscuit
  8. Coco - a shorter version of the name, Soccoro
  9. Willow - meaning ‘willow tree’ and ‘freedom’
  10. Leo – the Latin word for ‘lion’