A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy who has spent the last four years suffering from painful bouts of chronic tonsillitis has finally had his long-awaited surgery.

Marley White, from Monmouth has been suffering from the condition since he was two years old, and was all set to finally have his tonsils out in December.

But, just hours before he was due to have the operation, it was cancelled.

Thankfully, more than a month later, he finally underwent the procedure at the Grange University Hospital on Friday, January 13 - and is now looking forward to a life without pain.

Mum Lisa said she was "over the Moon" when she received the call to say her son was set to have his long-awaited operation.

“They rang us on January 4 to let us know that his surgery will be on January 13 as there was a cancellation," she said. "It all happened really quick.

South Wales Argus: Lisa White Lisa White (Image: Lisa White)

Marley in recovery after his surgery at the Grange University Hospital. Picture: Lisa White

“Within 11 days he was in hospital, having his surgery which went really well. He was in theatre and recovery for 40 minutes and then his dad took him down for his operation.

“It went amazing, it took 20 minutes to take them out and he was in recovery for ten minutes and then he was awake and talking.

“He stayed in overnight as we lived too far away, and it would be longer to bring him back if he did have a bleed, but they were amazing at the Grange with him and checked on him every few hours.

“He is so happy to have them out, and had two weeks off school to recover.”

South Wales Argus: Lisa White Lisa White (Image: Lisa White)

Pain Free: Marley eating his first meal after surgery. Picture: Lisa White 

Now Marley is excited to return to school activities without being in pain.

The family are now looking forward to the future without the constant worry of when the next episode of tonsillitis will happen.

Ms White added: “He has been in school a week today, and he is so happy. He did tell me that he was expecting his throat to hurt, as around about now he would have been on antibiotics and then have tonsillitis again.

“He is waiting for something to hurt, and it is really weird not to be in pain. He is sleeping a lot better and his behaviour is a lot better and has improved.

South Wales Argus: Lisa White Lisa White (Image: Lisa White)

HAPPIER TIMES AHEAD: Marley (far right) at home with his family after surgery, sister Layla (left), dad David (centre), Bonnie (centre), Arlo (right), mum Lisa (right), and baby Teddy (on Lisa's lap). Picture: Lisa White 

“He is so much better, I cried when they rang me with the news after all I have done to get him to have the operation.

“I am so glad it’s done, he woke up screaming when the scabs fell off but after that he was fine and had a hole on his soft pallet which healed within a week.”

Marley now looks forward to a life ahead without pain and is excited to start football training.

The family also hopes to go on a holiday to Butlins in Minehead to celebrate his recovery. 

She added: “It would be his first ever holiday, and it would be nice not to worry about him being in pain the whole time.”