Job losses at Wilkos, expected job losses at Nexperia and now uncertainty at Tata Steel – these are concerning times for the employment market in Newport and across South Wales more broadly.

That’s why it has never been more important for both UK and Welsh governments, our local councils and trade unions to proactively work together in partnership and support those affected by the recent announcements.

At the Wilko Distribution Centre in Magor, we have been told 79 members of staff are losing their jobs. Finding out you are losing your job is difficult at the best of times, but at a time when energy bills and food prices remain stubbornly high, must be heartbreaking for them.

The critical thing now is they receive the practical support they need, so they can find work at the earliest opportunity.

A couple of weeks ago, I visited the centre to meet with the GMB trade union, who were hosting a recruitment event for those impacted. This is a good example of what I mean by partnership working.

The age ranges of those affected by the job losses at Wilkos will be wide-ranging.

For younger employees (under the ages of 25), I have asked Welsh Government if the Young Persons Guarantee policy can play a role in supporting them back into employment (or education and training).

• All this week is Adult Learners Week (September 18 to 24) and for older workers, who want to learn new skills, Newport City Council has recently launched a new timetable of adult learning courses.

These will be delivered by their community learning team and provides opportunities for people to gain skills and qualifications in a variety of subjects at different levels.

I am passionate about second chance education because after a period of unemployment, I re-entered education in my mid-20s, to create a better life for my own family. For me, it’s a way to make a fresh start and embrace that second chance in life.

That’s why it was a very wholesome feeling last week to meet others who have benefited from a second chance education at the Learning & Work’s Inspire! Awards and celebrate their achievements.

• Finally on a separate note, I want to end by also congratulating Newport City Council and the voluntary groups involved in achieving Green Flag status for Beechwood Park, Lliswerry Pond and other green spaces. The people who maintain and look after these spaces do a brilliant job and are a credit to our city.