I hope you are all keeping safe and well as we enter September and the start of autumn.

Many parents and pupils have welcomed the long-awaited return to school and I’d like to assure everyone that much work has been done by our amazing school staff in readiness to safely get pupils back into the classroom.

Many restrictions are being lifted in line with WG guidance, particularly around ‘bubbles’ and the need to self-isolate, as we are keen to ensure school life for pupils can return to normal (or the ‘new normal’) as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, covid cases across Wales continue to creep up so it is important that we all continue to do everything we can to control the spread of the virus within our communities.

Remaining on the theme of covid – last week the Cabinet considered three key reports detailing our collective efforts over the past 18 months in response to the covid pandemic.

One of the reports measured our covid response against CCBC’s recovery framework. The content of the report really paints a vivid picture of the scale and breadth of the outstanding work that has been undertaken to protect and support our communities. The second report looked at our next steps in terms of cautiously reopening buildings and recommencing services that have been disrupted due to the pandemic.

The third report agreed by Cabinet extended free car parking in council owned pay and display sites across the area for a further 12 months.

This is great news for shoppers and businesses alike and demonstrates our commitment to supporting our High Streets as we recover from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.

We recognise that the role of our town centres is changing and this is having a consequential impact upon our town centres. The report detailed this issue and in response a cross-party task and finish group will be set up to look at car parking charges and how they should support the changing shape of our town centres.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who turned out to celebrate our amazing Olympians last week when Lauren Price and Lauren Williams enjoyed an open top tour of Ystrad Mynach and Blackwood town centres. We are so proud of their achievements and it was also great to unveil their portraits on a new ‘Wall of Fame’ at the Centre for Sporting Excellence. It was certainly a day to remember!